Monday, August 30, 2010

The Romantic Who Thought She Hated Romance Part 1

Yeah, that's me all right. In the town I come from, what we call child marriage and bigotry are very common. When i say common, i mean that they are part of life that no one thinks of them as wrong or illegal. More often than not, the girl's consent or opinion is never asked. The parents decide and she marries. Thirteen year old mothers, Twelve year old marrying a fifty year old man, widower remarrying a girl who is two-three years older/younger to his oldest grandchild are very common. Well, things are changing for good now, though people say that the girls have gone mad. Why am I giving this intro? Oh yeah.

Now to the story. So in that town like in any other place in this world girls dream of marrying and having children. I have no idea what influenced me, but i was dead against marriages. Those days i was one of the brilliant students in class (mother promise), so the girls who failed would tell me that i was lucky to be a genius (not true, i never mugged, i learnt what i understood and my english was exceptionally good, compared to them) and i haughtily would tell my friends that devouting some time to studying instead of dreaming of marrying rich men would be good for them. After puberty, people invariably asked when i was getting married. My mind was fully in poetry, music, drawing, flying.... you know the kind of things we can only dream about. And when my classmates discussed about their dreams of most fashionable weddings i would bore them by narrating my dream of living in a beautiful island away from civilisation. Slowly i decided that i hated romance and no such thing as love at first sight and soul mate ever existed in real life. Yes, i enjoyed that kind of stuff in books but waiting for my prince charming was insane i thought. I was so sure that i was a non romantic. Boy, did i think wrong!