Monday, December 8, 2008

GC notes

Biosphere made by man Food for all animals interdependent on species form food chain Nature will have a recycle different varieties of communities Animal eating plant sticky material on leaves A process in which food chain is formed Energy from biosphere by biomass fuel Organic substances wind energy solar energy water resources energy Timber wood and other constructions fern is useful for surrounding the compound Two properties of adaptations structural adaptation is body structure functional adaptation is functional organism earth or universe is same people from north want chappathi they need hotels we go to north we search of curd rice this is adaptability go to Coimbatore we get asthma they are good in cotton production the cotton will flow so we have asthma go near our cement factory dalmia cement if people exist they shabba…ippove kanna kattudhe podhum ma’am podhum go to cold north India we have inching in our skins continent to continent adaptability changes to travel from place to place some like bus some like to walk come Ashwatha come here yesterday itself you are doing some other people what is her name some other your friend today you have another listener the same thing we repeat how skin spoil two lines are there we have to modify two lines some will have enthusiasm some moody why IT people have recreations in Saturday and Sunday farmer go earlier they can’t work after 6 after 6 they get bored they get tired we find some of the teachers a teacher means she will have specs she will have a stick to have that is to have to show that she’s tough kana kanum kalam chemistry teacher some concept is not good we have good relationship with physical education in some school physical education teacher and Maths teacher stand in same way my 1st standard maths teacher is a terror I have teacher from 6th to 9th we laugh we can’t laugh get punishment by scaling or some other we have fear this is the characteristics of the maths teacher she can’t understand nowadays people are changing according to mood of students this is the biosphere all four spheres have link when we get the evaporation by it evaporate after condensation making the moisture that is in lithosphere all living things that exists in any world using the adaptation
At this point ma’am noticed that I’m writing something and guessed that it is about her…ahem…”lecture”. So I had to adakki vasichufy.
Renewable energy and non renewable energy renewable days we spend in childhood is non renewable arrears in semester is renewable arrear illadhavan arai manidhan karka kasadara kalkandu kumudham katrapin virka nalla vilaikku karka kasadara karpavai katrapin katruk koduthavarai kallal adikka any ecosystem will act as a resource process what is main reqirement in renewable and non renewable energy is solar energy solar energy is going to be the main driving force providing energy to the forest may be in land in forest in aquatic region forest is going to be main source of energy wither away branches turning away material bark withers useful for recycle karayan molachiruchu microbes are helpful for nutrition of soil grassland also recycles faster than forest by throwing grasses leaves one after another rain will break once in a year rain after rain season withering of pollen grains from insects all aquatic species also depend upon solar energy they need also solar energy the aquatic is in very inner portion on ocean they come up to prepare their own food some people used star fish as food sea weeds emu get more aquatic food it catches sea weed aquatic fishes el(e)k will have shell like thing dab is also sea creature these are all extra living creatures whelk…dab is one of fish it is sticky one used in English usage of animals how aquatic animals are helpful we get food both from nature and agriculture India china depend on nature and agriculture product in old day people wait for rain extract themselves electricity from ocean fresh water though we don’t get solar energy due to extra efforts extra manure extra pesticide but product spoils our body we are eating artificial type of food natural things are more absorbed by humans and use pesticide memory plus brain plus memory cannot be plused anywhere my grandma grandma grandma when we fall down injuries slap us psychological effort

The next day i.e. 6122008 I didn’t write down much but these are the things I remember from the funny session
The tongue cannot be bent. That is a problem in my speech. It is a natural problem.
Forests are helpful for global warming.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Assignment 1 GC commentary

The following are the 'questions' Prabha ma'am wanted us to 'answer' as part of the assignment. The green ones are her 'questions' and the red ones are the actual 'answers' that came to my mind though I've written something else in my notebook.

How to reduce the usage of plastic by stop using it
Where does this plastic come from a factory, dammit!
Process is ecofriendly of course not,***
What happens when you throw plastic it falls
where does it go has no legs,for heaven's sake!
how to use fossil fuel,petrol,diesel etc natural gas as usual
how to reduce water consumption what! reduce and die?
what are the sources of water you don't know even that and you're a teacher?
where the water is wasted everywhere! ennala mudiyala
can we change the usage of water so that it is more sustainable excuse me?!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Creamy Pigs

This is an update on GC. I went to class late at 8.15am. Ma'am commented about my regular irregularity.(as if I care) I didn't listen to most of the gibberish she was talking. She said she'll give us her daughter's project(she thought we're all dumb ducks?). Then she said she'll give us her CD after checking for viruses. A CD on vermiculture(she's so obsessed with it!). But what caught my attention is this. She asked whether we knew what the 'oil in the pig's body no' is used for. Teena said that it is used in Bubble gums. Prabha ma'am said that they were also used in chocolates. 'The pigeons are used for transportation. The feather from here (she pointed her waist!) is taken and made creamy and put in creamy chocolates'. I was like 'yuck... this woman wants to make all hate chocolates. Shakthi felt the same it seems(the darling did an amazing job of imitating her when we bunked the last hour today)

We were talking about sexual abuse against children and slowly drifted towards Rafa, Rafael Nadal of course. Again, she imitated him and his spanish accent (you have lot of sponsors ae?, seriously) This Rivka...oh my god, where are we? Alright back to Prabha ma'am and the creamy pigs(there's an AND in between okay?). Last class she was talking about worms as if they are tasty spaghetti and yesterday she was savourig the thought of creamy blah,blah in creamy chocolates (Deeeeep inside my mind she was saying"creamy pigs yumm yumm") She has a sadistical pleasure in such stuff. Did we ask her whether the chocolates and pigs are creamy. We don't care, atleast I don't as longas I get chocolates to eat. I wonder what we'll have to undergo in her classes this entire semester. Ennak koduma Saravanan!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Environment, Al Gore and my GC course

This is the result of today's Environmental Studies class with Prabha ma'am. I was actually looking forward to this hour which turned out to be a pain the *** for, the four of us who were sitting in the first row. Mathu had tears in her eyes trying not to laugh. The bench was practically shaking with her and Shakthi laughing their heads off. I felt like banging my head on the wall. Mira, the solemn, ever so sincere Mira wore a Dhoni-ish expression on her face while scratching me. What can I do!

It was a horrile hour, seriously. And we have four hours a week, back to back. God save us. To be honest, I had been having that my knowledge about this particular issue was, well, something near excellence. But after today's class I found myself to have a negligible information on it. I never knew Vermiculture being a money mine, Prabha ma'am's 40 or so cousins, the 'issue' of the after college hour, all constitute environmental concern. I'm not joking, period, this is what I was able to grasp from Prabha ma'am's lecture(or was it?)

Then I had a question that I asked Shakthi(can't ask the lec, of course). All these Al Gore types are so keen to drive home the point of saving the planet. They're drilling the same points over and over again into our pea nut sized brains, or that's what they presume. But these ours-was-a-wonderful-generation people were the reason that we have got such a dirty and strife filled world. We never asked for the World Wars or the ethnic wars. Not the hunger deaths, nor the so called Global Warming. Now they want us to think about our future gens, telling us to be responsible and make sure the people to come inherit a safer and cleaner world. But we inherited an Earth that was nothing but an enormous ball of garbage and corpses. no one seems to think about that. I'm not saying we won't help clean the world, but just thought about the unfair treatment we people are suffering. Giving Nobel prizes to people who made sure we inherited a garbage ball and telling us to clean the shit. Why don't we start another organisation, like so many they're having, to tell the old boys to shut up and go sleep in their graves?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Jungle Book

This again is a forward from Fropper. My lovely brother Yuvaraja has posted this blog and I've sneaked it out for others to see.

The Jungle Book

Few years back, on one summer vacation, I took my little sister Sahithya and our cute little dog Tinku, to a jungle visit. It was a lovely jungle which acts as a habitat for a lot of animals including wild. As I know every nook and corner of the jungle, we opted not to take any expert along. While on the way, my sister used to ask me all sorts of questions and I answered her.

As the time passed by, we were in the deep of the forest and she suddenly pulled my hand to grab my attention. She pointed at the big sized eggs staying on a bush. Tinku suddenly ran towards and started smelling it. She said mom will be happy if she takes that egg home and will be there for her to eat for a whole long week. I replied her that it is a good thinking and started to move. But she pulled me back again and said she wont move from there without that. I said it is not fair to do because the owner of the egg will get badly disappointed but she wasn't interested in listening to that. So I decided to pick one up.

I asked her not to make any sound till I pick up the egg and I slowly moved towards the egg. And I started looking around with little hesitation and fear. Seeing my cautious approach, Sahithya decided to play prank on me. Just when I was about to take an egg she made a eerie noise and my legs started shivering. She did had a big fun but didn't realize the huge animal that was standing just behind her. I was awestruck seeing the animal behind her - It was a Dinosaur. And in a flash of a second, my sister realised that some big animal was standing behind him. It took a little while for me to know that it was me in big danger, because I was holding a Dinosaur egg and there is one more Dino standing behind me giving a ferocious look.

Now we started running, running for life. I couldn't decide whether to throw away the egg and I thought that would be a bad idea if the egg gets broken. So I carried along and kept running. My sister was faster carrying little Tinku in her arms and both the dinos were chasing us. She shouted at me to throw that egg and run. But I didn't want to. Seeing us running, few more animals joined the race...We could see Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Monkeys, Wolves, Leopards, Bears, Horses, Deers, Foxes, Rabbits - all chasing us. They did it for fun i guess. We ran. We ran. And we ran and all the time we were being chased.

Finally, we reached a forest office and we went inside and locked the door. But we couldn't find anyone to help us there. I just placed the egg inside a box there which looked to be a good hiding place for it. The animal all were making a huge noise outside urging us to come out. I was unable to decide what to do and I could see my sister feeling very sad. She looked like being learnt a lesson or few but was worried how this is going to end. Tinku as usual reflected what is projected in my sweet sisters face and yes, with little more exaggeration.

In the very noisy atmosphere we could hear a strange sound arising from the egg. We were surprised to see a baby dino breaking out of the egg. Only then we realised that the box we placed the egg was an incubator. We could see a small ray of hope. So we decided to open up the door. Sahithya was carrying the baby dino in her palm and i opened the door.

The ferocious looking Dino suddenly calmed down seeing its kid. Its joy looked no bounds. All the other animals were also happy and expressed it by singing and dancing. It was like a heaven to be there. The dino and other big animals expressed their gratitude by kissing my hands.

By then, it became late in the night and while we were thinking how we were going to leave home, one of the old lions in the jungle offered to give us a ride. And here we are.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

If Taare Zameen Par was directed by other directors.

Taare Zameen Par - If director's were different

Its a forward from Fropper, but I couldnt help pasting it here. I have loved themovie, but I couldn't help wondering what the movie would be like if the following directors had directed it!! And....I'd like to thank my friend Tejas Lakhani for sending me this.

If Karan Johar made Taare

Obvious starcast:

Shah Rukh Khan as the arts teacher (duh duh duh!!).

Aryan Khan as the dyslexic child (even if he could not act for nuts).

Rani Mukerjee as the kid's mom (assuming Kajol is unavailable).

Abhishek Bachchan as the kid's dad.

Amitabh Bachchan as the school principal (who cares if the role is ultra minute, he can afford it).

It would be shot in New York to appeal to the NRI audience.
The story line would obviously be different. SRK would fall for the dyslexic kid's mom. The last scene would have the mom running to the teacher rather than the kid. And again, like in so many other movies, SRK would get someone else's girl.

It would have one dance number.

The film would be titled 'Kuch Taare Zameen Par .'

If Sanjay Leela Bhansali made Taare

Obvious starcast:

Salman as the teacher.

Rani as the mother.

Of course the whole film would be shot on elaborate sets. The school would be nothing short of Harvard university.

An orchestra would play every time anyone cried.

Slow motion, different camera angles for every scene.

The school uniforms would match the classroom walls even though that does not make a difference.

The film would cost 60 crores.

If Farah Khan made Taare

Obvious starcast:

SRK as the teacher (yawn).

In the original Taare, Aamir makes an entry at the interval point. In Farah's version, SRK would be on screen on for 2.30 hrs out of the 2.45 hrs and would be introduced in the first scene itself.

The story would be changed to make sure the above happened. The focus of the film would be a teacher who helps a kid fight dyslexia.

To make it a complete entertainer, there would be a romantic angle, comedy, and action thrown in. Oh idea!! Nikumbh's character likes another teacher and the kiddo helps him.. throw in some comedy moments there and you have romance and comedy settled. For action.. hmm.. lemme see.. oh yah, the kid gets kidnapped and the teacher fights the baddies to save him. Wow!! I'm quite an imaginative writer. I can see how Farah can write a film from scratch in two weeks straight.

The film posters would have a big SRK with the tiny image of the kid in the background.

If Rakesh Roshan made Taare

Obvious starcast:

Hrithik Roshan as the teacher.

Since Rakesh Roshan cannot think beyond science fiction these days, this film would have that too. Instead of dyslexia, the kid would have alienositis or something, a condition induced due to him witnessing an alien abduction.

Instead of Nikumbh being an arts teacher, he would be a physics teacher, and instead of asking kids to be creative, he would ask them to challenge the science we know.

In the scene where Nikumbh asks the kids to open their minds and make whatever they want outdoors, the kid Ishaan, instead of making a boat, would end up making a working spaceship prototype.

Nikumbh would cure the kids problem by making a full fledged version of the kid's prototype, traveling to the alien planet, and asking them to give the kid his powers back.

The film would have music by Rajesh Roshan ripped off from some world music.

The film's name would again start with a K.. probably ' Kuch Aliens Taaron se Zameen Par'.

The director would make sure Hrithik gets to show all his abilities. This would mean a scene with Roshan jr flexing his muscles, and a dance competition in the end, instead of an arts competition.

If Priyadarshan made Taare:

Obvious starcast:

Akshay Kumar as the teacher.

Paresh Rawal as the kid's dad.

It would be a brainless comedy. The kid's dyslexia would be made fun of. Half the times the parents will be running after the kid from one room to the other and that, in the director's opinion, would be funny.

The film will be full of sex jokes. So for example, when Akshay would come to the parents telling them that their son has dyslexia, the ignorant father would say something inappropriate like 'iss umar mein? par kaise, woh to hamesha boys school mein padha hai!'. And yes, the director would think it is funny.

In the climax of the film all the characters in the film would run around in the amphitheater for no reason, spilling colors on each other. That's where the film will end, without any logical conclusion.

And of course, Paresh Rawal would emote like an epileptic himself making us question the boy's mental abilities anyway.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cricketers auctioned

Cricket's most important event took place in Mumbai on Wednesday. 'Live' cricket players were auctioned for the DHL Indian Premier League, multi millionaire franchisees fighting with each other for the best ones. The India Cements, who own thw Chennai team won the bidding for ODI skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who was the costliest buy, costing $1.5 million. The young Ishant Sharma was bought by Kolkatta for $950,000 and Jaipur paid a bulk of $475,000 for TYusf Pathan who has got an experience of ONE match. Every member of the Twenty20 champion team were bought for a prize that was no where near their base prize. Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly, Rahul Dravid and Yuvraj Singh were considered 'icons' and were paid 15% more than the top payed player of their respective teams. Many fans in Chennai have expressed their displeasure at the players being treated like a property. There is a rumour that the players are being paid very less when compared to the money they brought through the auction. For instance the highest bid Dhoni($1.5million) is said to be paid only Rs.35 lakhs. And also that the contracts of the players who refuse to take part in the IPL would be terminated by the BCCI and that the players were threatend with such announcements. Let's hope the IPL gives quality cricket to the fans so the issues might be pushed to the second place.