Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Jungle Book

This again is a forward from Fropper. My lovely brother Yuvaraja has posted this blog and I've sneaked it out for others to see.

The Jungle Book

Few years back, on one summer vacation, I took my little sister Sahithya and our cute little dog Tinku, to a jungle visit. It was a lovely jungle which acts as a habitat for a lot of animals including wild. As I know every nook and corner of the jungle, we opted not to take any expert along. While on the way, my sister used to ask me all sorts of questions and I answered her.

As the time passed by, we were in the deep of the forest and she suddenly pulled my hand to grab my attention. She pointed at the big sized eggs staying on a bush. Tinku suddenly ran towards and started smelling it. She said mom will be happy if she takes that egg home and will be there for her to eat for a whole long week. I replied her that it is a good thinking and started to move. But she pulled me back again and said she wont move from there without that. I said it is not fair to do because the owner of the egg will get badly disappointed but she wasn't interested in listening to that. So I decided to pick one up.

I asked her not to make any sound till I pick up the egg and I slowly moved towards the egg. And I started looking around with little hesitation and fear. Seeing my cautious approach, Sahithya decided to play prank on me. Just when I was about to take an egg she made a eerie noise and my legs started shivering. She did had a big fun but didn't realize the huge animal that was standing just behind her. I was awestruck seeing the animal behind her - It was a Dinosaur. And in a flash of a second, my sister realised that some big animal was standing behind him. It took a little while for me to know that it was me in big danger, because I was holding a Dinosaur egg and there is one more Dino standing behind me giving a ferocious look.

Now we started running, running for life. I couldn't decide whether to throw away the egg and I thought that would be a bad idea if the egg gets broken. So I carried along and kept running. My sister was faster carrying little Tinku in her arms and both the dinos were chasing us. She shouted at me to throw that egg and run. But I didn't want to. Seeing us running, few more animals joined the race...We could see Lions, Tigers, Elephants, Monkeys, Wolves, Leopards, Bears, Horses, Deers, Foxes, Rabbits - all chasing us. They did it for fun i guess. We ran. We ran. And we ran and all the time we were being chased.

Finally, we reached a forest office and we went inside and locked the door. But we couldn't find anyone to help us there. I just placed the egg inside a box there which looked to be a good hiding place for it. The animal all were making a huge noise outside urging us to come out. I was unable to decide what to do and I could see my sister feeling very sad. She looked like being learnt a lesson or few but was worried how this is going to end. Tinku as usual reflected what is projected in my sweet sisters face and yes, with little more exaggeration.

In the very noisy atmosphere we could hear a strange sound arising from the egg. We were surprised to see a baby dino breaking out of the egg. Only then we realised that the box we placed the egg was an incubator. We could see a small ray of hope. So we decided to open up the door. Sahithya was carrying the baby dino in her palm and i opened the door.

The ferocious looking Dino suddenly calmed down seeing its kid. Its joy looked no bounds. All the other animals were also happy and expressed it by singing and dancing. It was like a heaven to be there. The dino and other big animals expressed their gratitude by kissing my hands.

By then, it became late in the night and while we were thinking how we were going to leave home, one of the old lions in the jungle offered to give us a ride. And here we are.

1 comment:

Nanda Nachimuthu said...

when i was surfing the net i landed in your blog...

happy blogging...best wishes...write more in near future.