Sunday, February 15, 2009

Who's fault?

Yay! We live in a safe, secular and free India!! Gimme a break!

This happened in the wake of the Mangalore Pub attack incident resulting in the death of a 16-year-old girl and arrest of an innocent boy who was alleged to have raped her.
The “saviours” of “Indian culture’’ (whatever it really is), a certain Hindutva fringe in Mangalore, Dakshin Karnataka, possibly belonging to the Sri Ram (or rather Ravan) Sene that indulges in beating up and molesting women in public are reported to be behind the incident.
Reports say that the 16-year-old and her female friend-one of them had a friend named Salim- were on their way home from a bus stop when a group of young men clad in saffron outfits stopped them and beat them up for being friends with a Muslim boy. Then they pulled out another person, Rafiq, from the bus and brutally beat him up. Rafiq, now in hiding for the fear of his life from the fanatics and the police, who act like their henchmen, says that the mob took away his purse, watch and a mobile phone. He says that the police forced him to leave the hospital where he went to dress his wounds.
At the police station, the four youngsters and their families were called for an “enquiry” (they couldn’t find the rogues it seems. Yeah, and I’m a troll if I believed that). Salim, Rafiq and their families were harassed at the police station. Rafiq, who placed a complaint on the rogues, says that at first the cops refused to take his complaint and later told the media that they didn’t get any whatsoever. (Another perfect example for ‘coexistence’ in India. These cops have the same job in the same country as Kiran Bedi, Hemant Karkare, Pon.Manickavel and C.Sailendra Babu)
Next day, the girl committed suicide at her home and later the same day; her father lodged a complaint with the police against Salim accusing him of raping his daughter. Salim was arrested by the police in record time (less than 2 hours it seems) and Rafiq immediately went into hiding.

I was quaking with anger when I read this news piece and was fuming all day. Whose fault was that? Who do I blame for spoiling my already unpleasant day? Gandhi, Netaji and their horde of freedom fighters? Those ‘Hindus’ and ‘Muslims’ who fell for the British divide and rule policy and split India into India, Pakistan and Bangladesh? The constitution that allows freaks like Narendra Modi hold top positions in the government? The people who are fanatical enough to choose leaders who vow to humiliate other religions thereby mocking our “secular state” campaign? The people who – either out of fear or out of sheer ignorance and irresponsibility- refuse to raise voices? The police for…you know what? The fourth estate that’s looking for, making up and using stories for financial and personal purposes rather than being an important, citizen friendly democratic tool? Those two girls for being…well, ‘girls’? Salim for being their friend? Salim and Rafiq for being Muslims? The father of the girl who accused an innocent boy (though we’re not sure) either because he was weak enough to do so or because he was fanatical enough to use his daughter’s death to frame an innocent boy? All of us, for wanting the country to be a ‘Paradise on earth’ but doing nothing about it except aping the West? Or is it just me for worrying over it so much instead of simply ignoring it?

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