Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Romantic Who Thought She Hated Romance Part II

Well, I loved Pride and Prejudice and Little Women - if they could be called romance novellas. I loved Medieval European customs and costumes and everything so I liked romances set in that period. I loved romance movies too, but I simply thought that was because of the colors, dresses and music (think Jeans). After I moved to Chennai, I kind of realised that I can't judge people by their likes and dislikes because every individual is unique in a unique way. So I accepted that romance is not a bad thing though I still could not believe in love at first sight. Life continued with me falling in love with one movie or the other, all of them invariably romances, like Jab We Met and Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na. Post marriage, my few ambitions came down to buying a full set of Harry Potter, seriously. Shakthi and her friends were deep into Forks,WA. Yeah, Twilight. I never read them so I was like, 'uh?' when they, especially Shakthi, went, 'aaaahh, Edward'.  A year after college, I happened to see Vinnaithandi Varuvaya. I was not very keen about that movie because I kind of hated Trisha and Simbu (I'm NOT calling him STR, tell him to go break his head somewhere) and Minnale was the only Gautham Menon movie I had liked. But how could I possibly miss the chance of listening to A.R.Rahman once again in all his glory? 

After watching VTV which was not your typical feel good romance with a happy ending, I totally fell in love with the movie - no pun intended - and the genre beyond hope. By luck or the lack of it, I happened to watch the television premiere of Twilight. I never found the Pattinson kid or the Stewart kid that, you know, hot like many people seem to think but that movie got me thinking whether I really hated romance. I was still postponing the confrontation with myself in that matter though, till I laid my hands on a copy of the first book in the neigbourhood library. And yeah, I fell in love with the story too, so much for rolling my eyes at Stephenie Meyer fans. I don't remember how many days I was secretly crying before I controlled myself to read the remaining three. And the I read New Moon and my envy for Bella grew more than I'd've liked. Well, I did want to hang out at the Leaky Cauldron and shop at Diagon Alley but jealousy, for a fictional character! My pretense of hatred for romance was lost within the first few chapters of Twilight and guess what genre I'm writing now? Romance! Yeah, I only wrote stories inspired by my dreams and nightmares but I was never serious about my writings. Now I'm in deep into Smitten, fighting writers' block, lazyness and lack of information. Rereading the finished parts of the story and the notes, I tell myself, 'And I thought I hated romance?' 

If ever I manage to get this five part novel published, I'm thinking of hiding in the closet on the launching till atleast a year is over. So thus ends the story of the romantic who thought she hated romance. Alright, go sleep and forget I ever wrote this.

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